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As a part of our journey to make this platform bigger and better, we are moving from to
Your profile data, views, reviews, history and other info will seamlessly carry forward to the new domain
Old domain will be active for some time for a smooth transition
Website will look and function the exact same way as it is now.
Canvera remains the sole authority of the new domain
Canvera assurance, quality service will remain intact
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Now you can post your requirements
And allow photographers to contact you
Welcome to India's largest professional photographer's directory. Featuring a bank of over tens of thousands of photographer portfolios from over hundreds of locations around the country.
From wedding to sports, editorial to advertising, kids to fashion, wildlife to product photography, discover and connect with photographers best suited for your needs.
Use the powerful but simple interface to browse by location, budget, or discipline. Built in features allow you to review portfolios, get in touch, compare quotes and much more.
The Professional Photographer's Directory comes to you from Canvera, India's leading online photography platform.
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